Recent Activities of Helping Hand South Africa!

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Recent Posts!

  • A sudden wonderful donation (two vanloads!) of potatoes and butternut spurred us to pray and rapidly set in motion a trip to a nearby settlement, where every single person could get a food parcel! We prepacked over 560 […]
  • Through the support and kindness of others – from donations to dropping off blankets at our door to even a stranger at store checkout suddenly giving us her discount card to use! – we were able to bring […]
  • An orphanage, a drug rehab, a youth skills training centre, community outreach initiative, and multiple feeding schemes have received foodstuffs, shoes, and clothing items in the last week. The post For Centres and Communities- Winter and Flood Relief […]
  • So many are suffering in the aftermath of the storms and floods that have hit many communities. This distribution of clothes, shoes, and blankets reached hundreds of people, and served as a practical reminder that – even in […]
  • The outreach was a great and wonderful success! In total during the 16 days witnessing (on the road and at Grahamstown Arts Festival) the immediate, known results are: -70 decisions to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour! -158 people […]
  • Members of our Helping Hand team were able to enjoy a trip to the snow, while bringing much-needed foodstuffs for the local feeding initiatives. Many families are struggling with the wet and cold, and these items were gladly […]
  • There was so very much rejoicing as the faithful (and often footsore) staff of an orphanage, elderly care centre, youth skills training and rehab home, and preschool received in total 101 pairs of shoes! What an everyday need […]
  • Over the last 8 years, we have slowly but surely seen our Sunday School grow, with the children drawing closer to Jesus, each other, and us! From 8 children the first week to over 80 now, every Sunday […]
  • Besides focuses like Grahamstown outreach or other large projects; every day there are food parcels being made and delivered, outreach teams out, soup kitchens supplied, centres and homes being helped, children prayed with and uplifted, devotional messages sent […]
  • At a government clinic, an underprivileged creche, and on the streets in needy areas, children and adults alike received sandwiches, fruit, and even donuts! It was such a blessing to work with volunteers to prepare the many sandwiches, […]