Family Care, Cambodia

Family Care Cambodia

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Family Care Cambodia

The use of children in forced labour and the sex trade has been a longstanding challenge in Cambodia. During the last 3 years of pandemic lockdowns, many families were forced into poverty and debt as small business and major industries were closed. Some have landed in jail, leaving vulnerable children behind. School shut-downs resulted in indentured servitude in brick kilns and fisheries, forced prostitution, and a significant increase in online sexual exploitation affecting thousands of children. The regular challenges of domestic violence, abuse, neglect, and drugs are also on the rise.

The Ministry of Social Affairs has recognized that “Community Safe Houses” are desperately needed for children at risk, especially in the rural areas, and to that end Family Care Cambodia has started a fundraiser to build a children’s shelter in the Amlaing district of Kampong Speu province.

Long term funding could sustain a Community Safe House to support vulnerable children.

Family Care Cambodia is looking for at least 55 donors who will commit to
a $1000 donation for 5 consecutive years. Thank you for your consideration!

— “Children Rescue Mission – 1.5.55.”

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Giving on Purpose, a Texas registered 501-c3, manages and forwards international donations to partner projects.

About Us

Family Care Cambodia (FCC) is a non-profit, faith-based organization founded, directed by Alex and Ann Soldner, who arrived in Cambodia in 2002. We provide education opportunities, teacher, parenting and social worker training, Christian character building, trauma recovery and healing, creative arts, mentoring, inspiration and support to underprivileged children, youth and families in Phnom Penh, and the rural provinces of Cambodia. We were legally recognized by the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2006; the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in 2009 and the Council for the Development of Cambodia in 2009.


To help children develop their full potential in a loving and nurturing environment. To strengthen and encourage parents, teachers and caregivers and to equip them with the resources for their important jobs. Our core values are:

  • Family: We believe that families are the building block of society and that every child deserves the nurturing, protection and support of caring adults.
  • Love: Our main motivation in all that we do is love for God and love for our fellowman. Every child deserves to be loved and nurtured. Every child can learn to love and respect themselves and others, and can make a meaningful contribution to society.
  • Respect for the Nation: We honor and respect our local co-workers, beneficiaries and partners. We admire the indomitable spirit of the Cambodian people to overcome adversity and to thrive against all odds.
  • Worth of the Individual: We recognize the value and importance of each individual and acknowledge the whole person- body, mind and spirit.
  • Commitment: We are committed to using our time, energy and resources to impart kindness, encouragement and tangible help to the children we work with and all those we encounter in the community.

Volunteer and Internship Options

Family Care Cambodia is looking for applicant volunteers and interns who are culturally adaptable and enthusiastic about educating children and working closely with local Cambodian families, teachers and students. Interested parties should contact Family Care Cambodia directly.

Reflections on Twenty Years in Cambodia

This March we celebrated the 20th anniversary of our arrival in Cambodia. We remember first arriving in 2002 with 6 of our 8 children; thinking we would give it a year to see if this was where we should be, and if we could thrive and be a blessing. It didn’t take long for us to realize that we were in the right place at the right time. Although there have been big challenges and lots of unexpected twists and turns, we have to say its been a great adventure with multiplied blessings.

We have always been impressed by the resilience of our Cambodian brothers and sisters. We’ve rarely met anyone whose family was not devastated in some way by the past Khmer Rouge. Yet with hope and determination they’ve conquered huge obstacles, worked hard to improve themselves, and are providing a better life for their children. It’s been an honor and a joy to work alongside parents, teachers, social workers, college students, local officials, rural pastors, and children from every level of society. In all of our programs with youth at risk; be it orphans, the mentally challenged, abused and exploited girls, or children in remote rural areas we are constantly impressed with their desire to learn, eager receptivity, vacuum for love and care. It has been such a blessing!

We accomplish our goals through the following projects …

Siem Reap Rural Education Development

Daily English and Computer classes are in full swing at both Phum Tnal and Sandan Schools. 380 students from 3rd to 6th grade are now enrolled. The students are placed according to their ability and proficiency, rather than age or grade level. Our teachers assessed each class at the end of the quarter and special honor was given to the top students in both schools.

We renewed our partnership with the JICA “Think Think” team. They use our IT lab to provide the students with a software lesson designed to stimulate critical thinking and problem solving. The 15 minute “Think think” sessions are added 3 times per week for each of our computer classes. We often find groups of 1st and 2nd grade students peering into the windows, eagerly awaiting their turn to join the special English and IT classes. It’s a joy to teach children who are so hungry to learn!

Village Learning Center, Kampong Speu

The majority of Cambodia’s youth live in small villages in rural districts characterized by a shortage of schools and qualified teachers. Early childhood education, access to technology, and bi-lingual training remain largely out of reach. As a result, many rural children struggle academically and drop out of school before completing 6th grade, to help their families with chores and field work instead. In an effort to address this need, FCC helped to establish the RIS (Ruby International School); a community learning center in Tany Village, of Kampong Speu province. Tany is a village with over 200 families, in a province where only an estimated 10% of children enroll in secondary school. Our students ages 3-19, come from the surrounding villages and are enrolled in daily preschool or English classes. We seek donors to sponsor students from the poorest families, and supplement teacher salaries. RIS serves as a base from which we reach out to the vulnerable and needy in the community.

Scholarship Student Ranks #1 in Class

Chamnan first came to our village when his parents died. He moved in with his widowed aunt, who put him straight to work; hard labor in the fields and looking   after his younger cousins in his spare time. It was a  really tough time for him. We awarded him a scholarship at Ruby School, where he’s faithfully attended for the past several years. We just heard that he ranked Number One in his 11th grade class at the district High School. That’s a huge achievement and honor!  We are so proud of him and so thankful to all who’ve sponsored our scholarship students.

Elderly Assistance

We held 3 different events for the neglected elderly in the villages around our Ruby School, Kampong Speu. We purchased 2.5 tons of rice, plus cases of oil, soy sauce, canned fish, soap, toothbrushes and sarongs, to make care packages. We shared an encouraging message of God’s love each time, followed by games & prizes. We danced the traditional circle dance around chairs. Folks laughed til they cried each time the music stopped and people dived for a chair. Everyone learned the verse, “As thy days, so shall thy strength be”. We then took a survey to see who had the most days and gave cash prizes. Our oldest guest was 84! Folks asked for & received prayer for health issues. Some shared how desperate & alone they were, as they have no one to look after them. Many gave spontaneous hugs to say, “Thank you so much for caring.”  Later we brought supplies to the homes of those who were too weak to attend.

Sports and Recreation

Since 2007, we have partnered with the National Special Olympic Committee of Cambodia to host athletic competitions for intellectually challenged children and youth. We organize the donation, delivery and distribution of free lunch, snacks and drinks for all participating children, care-givers and parents. We’ve also installed a professional soccer pitch, playground, volley ball court and boulez court at our RIS campus in Kampong Speu. These provide both our students and members of the local community, the only sports and recreational venue in the district.

Capacity Building and Christian Ministries

We provide seminars for teachers, parents and social workers. We organize events to provide activities and care packages for the neglected elderly and reach out to children in remote areas with activities, art and story time lessons. We translate and distribute Gospel materials and motivational publications which we share in classes designed to empower youth, women, and families. We regularly incorporate international volunteers and student interns into our projects to promote cultural awareness and understanding.

Family Care Cambodia

The activities you have just read about were made possible through donations from businesses and concerned individuals. If you would like to know more, or donate to our work, contact us at:
For a deeper look into our projects see: